
Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to introduce the services offered by TradeGuide24 business to business platform.
Tradeguide24.com is an international stocklot and wholesale lots online trade platform which makes it easy for anyone to buy or sell online anywhere in the world. Business people and companies can share their information to contact with sellers & buyers to generate inquiries.

Tradeguide24 provides one single platform where they can pursue all of their sourcing needs from suppliers globally with ease, security and with competitive prices.
Suppliers/manufacturers/exporters can post and promote their products and selling leads. Buyers/importers can search and contact suppliers easily by B2B categories and keywords. Buyers can also post their own buying leads to get quotes or offers from manufacturers. Nowadays, online B2B marketplace is becoming more and more important trade tool for business to business transaction and marketing because it speeds up marketing process and saves overall transaction cost.
Our web site url is (www.tradeguide24.com), from whom you will be able to obtain all the information you require in regard to our business integrity. If you are interested or need aditional information, please contact us.
We hope that this letter will be a forerunner to many years to profitable business to both parties and look forward to the pleasure to hearing from you.
Tradeguide24 Team
